"He is The Vine, we are the branches. Apart from Him we can do nothing." - John 15:5

Who We Are
The Vine is a community center in the heart of Kamuli, Uganda that supports the local community by providing empowerment,
education, life skills, medical treatment, and spiritual discipleship.
What We Do
We are privileged to provide sustainable solutions to help the most vulnerable women and children in Uganda with some of life’s most basic needs, encouragement, support, hope and most of all…LOVE.
The Vine Village
It has become apparent we can no longer house our children in multiple locations in various villages. It's TIME TO BUILD a more permanent solution and safe place our kids in Kamuli can call HOME.
“Women and children who have suffered from poverty, abuse and abandonment come to The Vine for hope.”
- Gari Meacham, Founder/President -
Your resources and talents can help grow The Vine. It's so easy to get involved.
We believe it's our duty to care for widows and orphans. Can you help?

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